Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Nonsensical Ravings of a Madman

There really is no point to this post like the previous three. This will simply be random thoughts, bitching, and trying to put it into paragraph form. I read somewhere that blogs are graffiti with punctuation. This post will be simply that. You have been warned. Don't say I didn't tell you.

I guess we can start off with the daily enema that is work. Not sure if I have said it in the past, but I do not mind what I do. I don't 100% enjoy it, but I don't hate it. My job can be compared to eating vanilla pudding: it's good, not great, but once you have to eat it every day you begin to notice its bland and you just used your last clean spoon. Now you are pissed because you wanted to eat soup later and you're out of dish soap. It seems pointless to go ALL THE WAY to the store to get dish soap just because you want soup tonight. I mean, you could just use the same spoon, but that's kind of gross. Fuck it. There's a cardboard pizza in there somewhere. The hell was I talking about? Work. Right. Got it. What I do absolutely hate about work is a few of the people. If I have to hear the same stupid "jokes" and the same goddamn tone of voice one of these individuals uses to start every sentence I will un-fucking-load. Like, Norwegian extremist explode. If you don't get that reference then you are sad and probably only watch MTV and American Idol and don't know news still comes in paper form. If so, you have plenty of your own problems and should probably go to the doctor for penicillin. I just assume you have an STD. I use to get super pissed and verbally assault these people. Now, I have been beaten like a un-potty trained dog in Michael Vick's house. (A little dated, but I think that joke still works.) There is also a possible paradox at work. The better you do the more responsibility you get. Yea! Hazzah! But the responsibility seems to be hollow. The carrot is right in front of me, but I can't reach it. I will give it until May, when I can transfer, to determine if I want to transfer or not.

Possible Name Changes: Hootie McBoob, Professor Max Hammer, Rembrandt Q. Einstein, Max Power, Hercules Rockefeller, Handsome B. Wonderful, Justin Credible, Big Dick Johnson.

Why does Garfield hate Mondays? He doesn't work.

My brother recently had a probation court date. He is an alcoholic (shit's funny, right?) and has multiple alcoholic related convictions. Dude's an ass. Back to the court date. He actually went in NOT knowing they wouldn't have a breathalyzer there. Jackass blew a .11 at 9AM. They of course held him until his sentencing. What did the judge do with him? Nothing. Seriously let him go with no punishment. And people say our justice system is broken. I guess you can't catch Ferris everytime, Jeanie. Shit.

White Sox look like shit again. Ten games into the season and I'm declaring us deader than Nick Cannon. ..........What? Really? And still on TV? I just don't understand the world anymore.

This past Saturday I participated in the JDRF Walk for the Cure. I walked 2+ miles and didn't find that cure anywhere. Worst. Treasure hunt. Ever.

I give myself one night a week to go to the bars with my buddies. Each time I get REALLY drunk and begin to hit on girls. Depending on who I'm with it can end up with a very good night or go down quicker than Elton John in a elevator with a pantsless Mario Lopez.....I'm not sure who I'm really insulting there, but either way: BURN MOTHERFUCKER!

That's it for tonight. I told you: skip this post. Pointless. You just wasted your time. Hope you're happy.